How To Get Rid Of Junk In Your House –  10 Practical Ways

Do you feel like you’re constantly surrounded by stuff? Clothes you never wear, furniture you don’t use, and even stacks of papers you can’t sort through? You’re not alone! 

This clutter not only takes up space in your home but also stresses you out.  A 2009 US study found that people with cluttered environments had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

But the good news is that you can take control and turn your home into a calm and organized space. This article will guide you through practical, manageable steps to get rid of the junk from your home.

Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

How To Get Rid Of Junk In Your House

How To Get Rid Of Junk In Your House

1. Start With The Area With The Most Clutter

Facing a messy room can be tough. Corners often pile up with clutter, making the mess seem much bigger than it really is. But there’s a simple trick based on science to overcome this mental block.

Start by cleaning the most cluttered corners first. Why? Because once you clear these visually overwhelming areas, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. Cleaning these difficult sections makes the rest of the mess seem less scary. It’s like a human thing – seeing progress motivates you to keep going.

2. Reduce The Paper Clutter

Unorganized papers make it impossible to find important documents when you need them. To fix this, you need a new system.  First, pick a central location for your files. This could be a drawer, a box, or even an accordion folder. 

Next, categorize your papers into clear groups that make sense for you, like finances, medical records, or warranties. Set aside regular time to declutter and remove expired documents or outdated information. 

Remember, recycling is your friend – you don’t need to keep everything! Only hold onto essential documents, and whenever possible, consider scanning them into digital files for safekeeping and easy searching. 

Finally, labeling is crucial. Clear labels will save you time and frustration when you’re looking for a specific document, like a tax return or warranty information. This way, clutter removal would be easy, and it would not build up, and you could always find what you needed fast.

Related: What Do Junk Removal Companies Do With The Junk?

3. Sell Used Stuff on Online Platforms

Craigslist might be the first name that pops into your head when considering online marketplaces for your unwanted stuff. But there’s a whole digital world where you can sell your junk in the house.

If you have a closet overflowing with old junk and clothes that no longer fit your style, ThredUp and Poshmark are fantastic platforms designed. They are specifically for buying and selling gently used name-brand clothing, shoes, and accessories. 

Got a pile of outdated electronics gathering dust? Gazelle is a great option to consider. Online marketplaces like OfferUp and Letgo are the platforms for everything else you just don’t need anymore.

Presentation is the key to a successful online sale, no matter the platform. Taking high-quality photos and writing detailed descriptions can significantly increase your chances of selling out. Facebook Marketplace is another interesting option. You might even end up selling your unwanted items from your house to someone you actually know!

4. Watch out for Your Shopping Habits

Bulk buying can be attractive, especially with a good sale price. But it’s important to be realistic. Many products, like liquid laundry detergent, lose quality over time. 

An unopened container of detergent might last a year, but that shelf life drops to just six months after opening. 

So, while a giant container might seem like a steal upfront, if it goes bad before you use it all, you’ve wasted money. 

It’s smarter to buy what you can realistically use before t

he expiration date arrives. This way, you avoid throwing away money on spoiled products and keep your finances (and laundry room) in good shape.

5. Don’t Let Emotions Get You

Decluttering can be tough. You may have things that bring back memories and strong feelings, making it hard way to get rid of them. This is where emotions get in the way. 

By separating your feelings from decluttering, you can make clear choices. Think about how good it would feel to have a clutter-free space. So next time you’re stuck on what to keep, take a deep breath, step back from the emotions, and focus on what’s practical. 

Related: How much does junk removal cost in Georgia?

6. Practice Giving Away Your Items

You can also consider a more social approach to decluttering.  Instead of spending a whole weekend selling your belongings to strangers, reach out to your inner circle. 

Friends or family who already know and trust you are much more likely to be interested in giving your pre-loved items a new home.

A quick email or text listing what you’re looking to eliminate can spark their interest.  Even if they themselves aren’t in the market for, say, a headboard and bed frame, the chances are they know someone who is.

7. Organize The Messy Places

How To Get Rid Of Junk In Your House

You see your place where drawers are packed, stuff is under the bed, and that corner chair is overflowing – it happens! But here’s the best way to get rid of it.

First, sort through that mess. Be honest about what you haven’t used in forever and what’s just lying around? Give it away as goodwill! 

If you find anything broken or trash, throw it! It seems like a lot, but if you get rid of your old stuff, it will surely keep your things tidy.

Once the junk is gone, you’ll be surprised by the space you have and how much better you feel! 

To keep it tidy, add some decorations. A pretty basket can hold those little things, and a cool shelf can show off your favorite stuff. 

If these spaces look nice, you won’t use them as dumping grounds anymore.

8. Embrace Minimalistic Lifestyle

A study was published in the journal “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin” in 2010. The study found that women who described their homes as cluttered reported feeling more fatigued and depressed than those with organized spaces. 

When your surroundings are overflowing with items you no longer use, your brain becomes overwhelmed by the constant visual stimuli. This can lead to difficulty focusing, increased anxiety, and even feelings of depression.

Letting go of the past and the “just in case” mentality isn’t just about clearing space– it’s about clearing your mind for the present.

By decluttering and focusing on what brings you joy today, you’re essentially creating a physical environment that reflects a calmer, more present state of mind. It’s beneficial for both your mental and physical well-being.

9. Get Rid Of Old Furniture

Things to get rid of include unwanted old furniture. It can feel like a chore, but there are eco-friendly and convenient options available.

For items like furniture and appliances, you should first consider whether your furniture can be reused.

Furniture banks often take lightly used pieces in good condition, giving them a new life in someone else’s home.  This keeps usable furniture out of landfills and helps those in need.

If your furniture is damaged or worn beyond repair, don’t despair.  Many decluttering services offer bulk and large item removal, typically allowing for one or two large discards per week or month.  Simply contact your local provider to see what their policy is and schedule a pick-up.  By following these steps, you can dispose of unwanted furniture responsibly and efficiently.

10. Hire Junk Removal Experts

Regular trash pickup isn’t for those huge TVs or overflowing boxes you want to get rid of. That’s where professional junk removal company like Jojo’s Junk Removal step in. 

Our experts at Jojo’s Junk Removal service will take away all those bulky items, coming straight to your home to pick them up. We are a big help if you’re cleaning up clutter, moving to a new place, redecorating your home, or doing renovations that create a pile of junk from your house.

We’ve been doing this for over 15 years, so we know how to handle all kinds of junk. That’s why we promise you’ll be happy with our work. We’re a trustworthy professional junk removal company that won’t break the bank.

If you need junk removed in Atlanta, GA, call Jojo. Contact us today! We’re here to help!

Wrap Up

Removing junk from your home doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By following these simple steps, you can transform your space into a calm, organized plalce.  

Remember, fewer things can lead to less stress and a more mindful way of living. So get started on creating a home that reflects your best self!

This was all about How To Get Rid Of Junk In Your House. Hope it helps.


Q1: How do you get rid of a house full of junk?

Throw away broken items, donate what you don’t need, and recycle what you can. If it’s still too much, consider hiring a junk removal service to take it away for you.

Q2: What is the first rule of decluttering?

Before you get rid of stuff, it’s really important to try not to bring more stuff into your home. If you keep buying new things, it’s like taking one step forward and two steps back when you try to tidy up.

Q3: What is the 12 12 12 method?

Here’s an easy plan: find 12 things to throw away, 12 things to give away, and 12 things to put back where they belong. That’s all you need to do. If you want, you can do it again.

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